AEP is committed to having zero deforestation in all of the Group’s operations, as per our Group Sustainability Policy, with a cut off date of 15 June 2019. This commitment applies to all our suppliers and were communicated to them. Since the cut-off date, no forests have been cleared or converted to establish any new plantation, and any new development were guided by the HCSA approach and subjected to HCSA assessments with ALS-approved assessors. We engage with our buyers and rely on their satellite monitoring systems and alerts to monitor activities within our Group and among our suppliers.
In some of our plantations, surrounding forests were even bought in order to conserve them. Being a source of food, water and other raw resources, forests are crucial to the well-being and livelihoods of communities living in and around them. As a carbon sink, forests also regulate climate at local, regional and continental levels. We are therefore continuously committed to sustainable land use in order to mitigate agriculture as a driver of deforestation.
HCV Area at PT KAP
For every new development at AEP, the High Carbon Stock Approach (HCSA), and High Conservation Value (HCV) Approach are employed in parallel for land planning, with the aim of maintaining and enhancing critical environmental and social values which are often associated with forests. We continuously strive to apply the landscape approach in development to promote a balanced land use and sustainable agriculture.
HCS Assessment Being Conducted at PT KAP
At the same time, we also work vigorously to advance the forest conservation agenda with our suppliers. All our smallholders and suppliers are briefed about our conservation policy with regards to the environment, and are required to adhere to guidelines stated clearly on our contracts. We know each one of our suppliers, and we keep maps and records of their locations. Our traceability to plantation (TTP) is therefore 100%.
Communities Being Briefed about Conservation Efforts
Warning Signs at the Boundary of a HCV Area
Forests are Spared from Clearing and Monitored Continuously for Protection (PT KAP)
Protected areas within our operations are also patrolled and monitored regularly to ensure no encroachment from surrounding villages. At the same time, we work with our buyers on deforestation alerts to ensure round-the clock monitoring of protected forests.