High Conservation Value and High Carbon Stock Area

AEP subscribes to the High Carbon Stock Approach (HCSA) for all our new plantings. New planting areas are surveyed by surveyors certified under the Assesor Licensing Schme (ALS) of the HCV Resource Network for High Conservation Value and High Carbon Stock areas. All of our estates have clearly delineated boundaries indicating HCV areas and areas of conservation interests.


HCV Areas Being Marked as Part of Routine Monitoring at PT AAU

Regular Monitoring of Conservation Areas with Drones to Prevent Encroachment

On the ground, HCV areas are marked with signboards to prevent encroachment. This also makes it clear for the management in their daily operations. Hunting of any species of animals within all our areas is strictly prohibited, and any sighting of them must be reported.


Signboard Marking an HCV Area


Set-aside HCS Area at PT CPA


154 Ha of Forest Owned and Managed by PT KAP


Wildlife Observed at PT CPA


Strict Restriction Against the Hunting of Wild Animals

We have a strict no hunting policy for all species throughout all our operations. Staff and workers are required to report on any sighting of wild animals in our concessions. This commitment also extends to all our suppliers and form part of our Terms of Contract (TOC) with them.


Waterways in our Plantations are Protected with Riparian Buffer Zones


 Signboard Marking a Riparian Reserve

 Areas along rivers and permanent waterways are conserved as riparian reserves. These protected zones reduces soil erosion, prevents the contamination of water and mitigate flooding. At the same time these riparian reserves also shelter wildlife, increased biodiversity, and provide corridors for riparian wildlife to travel along river systems.

 Riparian Reserve at PT AAU


 Riparian Reserve at PT Ukindo


Regular sampling and analysis are also carried at rivers supplying water to our estates to ensure no contamination of hazardous materials.


Sampling of River Water at PT AAU





 Environmental Impact Assessments (AMDAL) Reports

High Conservation Area (HCV) Reports for all Estates

HCV Management and Monitoring

High Carbon Stock Approach (HCSA)


  1. Enhancing Biodiversity Values
  2. Biodiversity Monitoring
  3. Managing Protected Fauna PT AAU

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