Palm Oil Mills

The Group currently owns six mills in Sumatra and Kalimantan. Apart from processing our own internal crops, all of our  mills also receive crops from outgrowers’ and independent suppliers’. Three of the mills are equipped with Biogas Plants that convert methane to electricity, with one more under construction.


Our mills are operating in compliance with the standards set by the Indonesian Department of Environment through Program for Pollution Control Evaluation and Rating (PROPER). PROPER relies on public disclosure to encourage accountability, transparency in operations, and community participation that can empower local communities to achieve effective and sustained pollution control. Many of the criteria set by PROPER are also part of ISPO requirements.



Three of our mills have been audited and graded ‘Blue’ indicating adherence to all criteria listed under PROPER. The other mills are currently being audited.

We are also actively managing our water usage at the mills, and continuously look for waste to manage our resources sustainably.


  PT AAU Mill




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